“Frozen Fried Forgotten” by Theresa Do


Opened door cold soup stalemate aroma: the fly awakening the lights came on across the room another door opened a low wattage light bulb emitted weak beams darting towards the microwave pushing its wings to beat the clock revving up the minuscule engine skidding off into the light.

Opened door cold soup stalemate aroma: the human transitioned from the communal fridge to the microwave oven the fly stuck in the cold container long enough to enter comatose  plotting freedom from the humans revival act the chilly air nipping its wings rumor had it the microwave was the opposite of the freezing hell a heated heaven of sauna goodness it was a straight shot.

Opened door cold soup stalemate aroma: the fly ramming into the sweaty glass tupperware that held the leftover minestrone saved from immediate waste by three shots of tabasco a dash of salt and a pinch of pepper wiping its drenching body down when the door latched closed and the plate spun the rotations stimulated the anti-gravitational carnival stunt at astronaut boot camp.

Opened door cold soup stalemate aroma: the microwave warmed the fly defrosting with its consciousness molecules vibrating as radiation passed through its form internal organs bubbling yet the greatest horror of all was employing its wings the sheets of air-maneuvering mechanisms were shrinking with every round the crispy flaps cracking and the edges crumbling to the carousel tray.

Opened door cold soup stalemate aroma: the death contraption beeped three long alarms followed by two short reminders as unprotected hands stretched for the handle the barely hot meal singed the human the dramatized delay allowed the time for hobbling out of the microwave.

Opened door cold soup stalemate aroma: scurrying past the human undetected the limping fly went ramping off the countertop and landing without a thud the garbage can produced a silent sigh upon the tiny blow the fly squeezing out its last goodbye as soup dripped from the bowl.

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